The Dark Knight battles crime in Gotham City with occasional help from Robin and Batgirl., Batman: The Animated Series is an American television series based on the DC Comics superhero Batman, which was produced by Warner Bros. Animation and originally aired on Fox from 1992 to 1995; lasting 85 episodes. The series has since aired in re-runs on various other broadcast and cable networks, including The WB, Cartoon Network, Boomerang and The Hub. Each episode is approximately 22 minutes long, excluding commercials.
The series is part of what has become known as the DC animated universe, which consists of eight animated television shows and five animated films, largely surrounding DC Comics characters and their respective mythos.
Series Information:
Series Name: Batman: The Animated Series
Release: TV Series (1992–1995)
Quality: 480p 85MB & 720p
Running Time: 23 min. per ep.
Language: Hindi Dubbed
Type: Animation, Action, Adventure
Encoded By: Movie3anime
Batman: The Animated Series Hindi Episodes Download 480p HD Compressed
Episode 09 : The Forgotten
480p – Mirror_Links
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